I have no where else to start...

...nowhere else to start so I start where I am.

  • My biggest regret is that I was not a child prodigy.
  • My next biggest regret is that I am not brilliant, inquisitive, and insightful.
  • But rather than bury my head in regrets I will just have to figure out the world with what I got.
  • Somehow or other it came to me...we feel the world should make sense, but it does NOT.
  • So I gather my meager wits about me and audaciously shape A Grand Theory of Everything.
  • Buckle up, it will be a Bumpy Ride.

If you find an answer, then you haven't found the answer

  • Does a dog have Buddha nature, or not?

    A monk asked Joshu, a Chinese Zen master: `Has a dog Buddha-nature or not?'
    Joshu answered: `Mu.'
    - Mumonkan, "The Gateless Gate."

    It is a given that the Buddha nature is beyond concepts. So to ask if a dog has it or not means the questioner is struggling to place a dog, and by default humans, on a scale of importance.

    But that is a trap. It implies "value", and to value one thing above (or beneath) something else is setting yourself up as some thing special compared to a dog. And the next thing you know is you are swimming in a world of concepts

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  • Sun faced Buddha, Moon Faced Buddha

    Great Master Ma was unwell
    The temple superintendent asked him, "Teacher, how has your venerable health been in recent days?"2 The Great Master said, "Sun Face Buddha, Moon Face Buddha". - Blue Cliff Record - Case 3

    To jump ahead the idea is the old master is trying impart that it doesn't matter he is old and wise. A sun faced Buddha lives for a 1,000 years and a moon faced Buddha lives for one day. AND neither is "worth" more, better than another. Just relax and drop your conceptual mind. Concept are great for running the world but to be "your true self" then concepts will only be roadblocks

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You are not your personality

Stare at a mirror. Stare into your eyes, and ask "Who am I?" Answer if you like but better yet keep asking "Who am I? Who am I?" pause to let it sink in. IF you have answers then your self is secure, but if any answer seems weak or false, you are on the right track.

You are not your likes, dislikes, inclinations, talents, desires...those may be qualities of your personality but they are not you. Not me. Plus your self, your qualities, are boring. They are "things", concepts, and when looking deep into your eyes, "things" melt under heat of a intense "who am i" energy.

  • 5,120 ONE
  • 8,192 Magna
  • 2,048 Tempus
  • 4,096 Aliquam
  • 1,024 Nullam

Nam elementum nisl et mi a commodo porttitor. Morbi sit amet nisl eu arcu faucibus hendrerit vel a risus. Nam a orci mi, elementum ac arcu sit amet, fermentum pellentesque et purus. Integer maximus varius lorem, sed convallis diam accumsan sed. Etiam porttitor placerat sapien, sed eleifend a enim pulvinar faucibus semper quis ut arcu. Ut non nisl a mollis est efficitur vestibulum. Integer eget purus nec nulla mattis et accumsan ut magna libero. Morbi auctor iaculis porttitor. Sed ut magna ac risus et hendrerit scelerisque. Praesent eleifend lacus in lectus aliquam porta. Cras eu ornare dui curabitur lacinia.

The Struggle to NOT be a Commodity

The success of capitalism brings amazing results, and in spite of "conservative" whining...capitalism won. People of all political stripes treat the world and themselves as things. We are all commodities now. Everyone is implicitly assigned a value.

  • 5,120 Etiam
  • 8,192 Magna
  • 2,048 Tempus
  • 4,096 Aliquam
  • 1,024 Nullam

Nam elementum nisl et mi a commodo porttitor. Morbi sit amet nisl eu arcu faucibus hendrerit vel a risus. Nam a orci mi, elementum ac arcu sit amet, fermentum pellentesque et purus. Integer maximus varius lorem, sed convallis diam accumsan sed. Etiam porttitor placerat sapien, sed eleifend a enim pulvinar faucibus semper quis ut arcu. Ut non nisl a mollis est efficitur vestibulum. Integer eget purus nec nulla mattis et accumsan ut magna libero. Morbi auctor iaculis porttitor. Sed ut magna ac risus et hendrerit scelerisque. Praesent eleifend lacus in lectus aliquam porta. Cras eu ornare dui curabitur lacinia.

There is no past, there is no future...

Every time you plan for the future, ever time you think about your past or think about history in general...you experience all that NOW. Everything happens now.